Vanessa Hale
Director, Research
Director, Research
The survey identified further creeping trends, in other words the slow trends that make a noticeable impact and almost invisibly evolve markets over extended periods of time, such as:
For the second year in a row, motivations for moving showed that lifestyle change was the top of the list, quickly followed by access to shops and amenities and as highlighted above, the new category ‘broadband connectivity’, shot into third place. But in light of pension challenges and parents seeking to help their children onto the housing ladder, we were surprised to see that so few respondents ranked release of equity, pension top up and financial support for relatives as their reasons for moving home.
So what are people are looking for in their new home?
The Top 10 property wish list:
The survey results paint an interesting picture – the quintessential British farmhouse surrounded by quiet countryside clearly remains as an enduring ideal for many. Over the past decade, there has been a focus on urban resurgence, so we were interested to discover that while our respondents want to live near other people, they didn’t want them on their doorstep.
The impact of all of these trends inevitably means that in the future the homes we plan, design, build and live in must be different.