Woodbridge Suffolk IP13 Middle Barn, Hall Farm

Asking Price
£10,000 per year
plus charges
Ref: IPW240005
Interested in this property?
Asking Price
£10,000 per year
plus charges

The building is a breeze block storage barn 1871sqft situated in the hamlet of Boulge located 2.8 miles from Woodbridge and 1.6 miles away from the A12. There is parking available on site.

The building is a breeze block storage barn 18711sqft situated in the hamlet of Boulge located 2.8 miles from Woodbridge and 1.6 miles away from the A12. There is parking available on site.


Situation The building is a breeze block storage barn situated in the hamlet of Boulge located 2.8 miles from Woodbridge and 1.6 miles away from the A12. There is parking available on site.

The internal floor space is 1,871 square feet, which includes an office structure with a floor space of 147 square feet. The building benefits from mains electricity, water, concrete floor, and rack shelving on one end. The building has also recently had a new electric roller shutter installed allowing access to vehicles and materials up to 4.10 metres wide.

Size 1,871 square feet

Use Storage

Term To be let on a Landlord and Tenant Act lease for a term to be agreed.

Insurance The Landlord will insure the property and recharge the annual premium to the Tenant.

Rent £10,000 + VAT per annum

Viewings by arrangement Please contact Gregory Bott on T: 07384 900462 on E: gregory.bott@struttandparker.com

If you require this publication in an alternative format, please contact Strutt & Parker on tel 01473 214841. IMPORTANT NOTICE Strutt & Parker for themselves and for the Landlord of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: 1. The particulars are intended to give a fair and substantially correct overall description for the guidance of intending tenants and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. Prospective tenants ought to seek their own professional advice. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, areas, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith, and are believed to be correct, but any intending tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person in the employment of Strutt & Parker has any authority to make or give any representations or warranty whatever in relation to this property on behalf of Strutt & Parker, nor enter into any contract on behalf of the Landlord. 4. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by intending tenants in inspecting properties which have been sold, let or withdrawn. Photographs taken Nov 2022. Particulars prepared Nov 2022. MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION All measurements are approximate. While we endeavour to make our particulars accurate and reliable , if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact this office and we will be pleased to check the information for you, particularly if contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.

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Ref: IPW240005
Interested in this property?
Asking Price
£10,000 per year
plus charges

Suffolk Estate Agents

The Stables, Wherstead Park
Wherstead, Ipswich

+44 1473 214 841