Country House Department
43 Cadogan Street
43 Cadogan Street
Giles’s Estate Agency career started in January 1988. Initially based in Woodstock he moved into Oxford in 1991 and has largely been there ever since. Previously a Director of John D Wood & Co and Savills he joined Strutt & Parker as a Full Partner in 2016 to run the Oxford office and wider region, nowadays Giles is part of the Strutt & Parker London based Country House Department, principally in place to handle the marketing of properties valued over £2.5 million across the UK. He has considerable knowledge and experience in north Oxford and the Cotswold district and has been involved in many high-profile sales. Giles is a Senior Director and home, for over 30 years, is just outside Chipping Norton.
Director, National Country House Department
Harpenden Estate AgentsCountry House DepartmentDirector, National Country House Department
Country House DepartmentCornwall Estate AgentsAssociate Director, National Estates and Farm Agency Department
Country House Department