Harpenden Estate Agents
49 High Street
Director, National Country House Department
Harpenden Estate AgentsCountry House Department
49 High Street
43 Cadogan Street
What are your key areas of responsibility at Strutt & Parker?
I am responsible for prime country house sales in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and East Anglia. It is important that I have a good working knowledge of the areas that we cover, as sometimes the sales that we deal with are complex. We often handle the sale of small country estates, and we are fortunate enough to have a multi-disciplined office here, which means that we have experts in several fields. This gives our clients an excellent team of people working for them, and means that we can advise them on the best possible course for their sale – sometimes this can involve planning specialists, agricultural specialists, or dividing a sale into separate lots, but these are challenges which I enjoy tackling.
What has been your proudest moment at Strutt & Parker?
Negotiating a £5m sale which faltered at 9.30pm on a Friday evening with both solicitors in their offices waiting for instructions from their respective clients to exchange. The deal hung on whether or not one totem pole and two kune kune pigs would be included. My solution was that Strutt & Parker would acquire two pigs to gift to the purchaser, the totem pole was removed, and contracts were exchanged at 11.30pm that night. Two kune kune pigs were delivered to the proud new owner of the estate one month after completion, and were named Strutt & Parker!
Director, National Country House Department
Country House DepartmentCornwall Estate AgentsAssociate Director, National Estates and Farm Agency Department
Country House Department